Monday, September 30, 2013


friday night we picked up the newest addition to our family, a 3-month old kitten named peanut.  the shelter named her peanut, and we decided not to change it.  so, here's some interesting things from this weekend:
1.  we think peanut is afraid of heights.  when we met her, owen picked her up and all was good, so i didn't even try to pick her up.  i figured if she let a kid pick her up, she must be easy going.  wrong!  whenever rick or i pick her up, she turns around and climbs up your chest, totally freaked out and scratching to get down. both my arms have bleeding scratch marks to attest to this.  whenever owen picks her up, she is fine.  we think it's because she is closer to the ground.
2.  our julius, who we always thought was so little, looks huge compared to peanut.  he also seems like a grump old man.
3.  peanut would try to scratch julius.  owen would yell at peanut that she was bad.  i told  him she was just a little baby and was still learning, and sometimes babies do naughty things until they learn how to behave.  he replied, "like me when i was a baby.  i was naughty!"  i said, "yes, you were.  you would hit and even bite people!"  he said, "i don't do that any more because i'm a big kid now." 
4.  when julius would hiss at peanut, owen would tell him he needed a "time-out"
5. opa's birthday was saturday, so we went yesterday to visit him.  owen made him a card, the cover had a drawing of peanut in the center of a heart.  on top was a drawing of a peanut and at bottom was the word holler.  inside was a picture of peanut and owen petting her.  there was also an arrow pointing to her tail.  i was told that was because owen needed to remember not to touch her tail.  then he wrote "opa, happy birth day owen."  when we were going to leave, he insisted on taking back his card because it was not a birthday card, it was a cat card.

Friday, September 27, 2013


the last time the muppets movie was in theatres, there was a little clip before the movies about shutting off your cell phones and not talking during the movie featuring fozzie bear pretending a banana was a phone. since then, owen has reenacted this scene every time he is given a banana to eat (which is just about daily.) he did it again last night... holding the banana to his ear like a phone..."hello?...hello?..."...he pulls the banana away and looks at it with great surprise..."ah!!!  there's a banana in my ear!!!!"...followed by a stream of laughter. he decided to expand his performance and add a second (unrelated) scene..."mommy...look..." i turn to see him pointing the banana at me like a weapon.  i say, "please don't shoot me....i don't want to die."  he says nothing, but slowly turns the banana-weapon towards himself and pretends to pull the trigger and falls to the floor dead.... i'm hoping this is just a sign that i have a very silly boy, and not a sign that he will  require massive amounts of therapy. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

rough morning

owen was very whiny this morning. complaining about what i made him for breakfast. complaining that he had to go to school.  complaining about little details about school.  then suddenly he bolted out of his chair and proclaimed, "i have to to go pee!."   then as he ran pass me in the kitchen, he stopped and said, "i think i am so whiny because i have to pee."  way to be so insightful, owen!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bringing it back

So, I've decided to give this blogging thing a try again.  Owen says so many things that make me laugh (at least in retrospect, not always when it is happening) I thought this would be good way of recording it.  So here's the latest from when I picked him up from school yesterday evening:

Me:      Owen, what color were you today?
Owen:  Green.
Me:      That's good, but I hope you will keep trying for purple or pink.
Owen:  You need to stop being bossy.
Me:       Excuse me?
Owen:   You are too bossy. You are always bossing me.
Me:       How?
Owen:   Like telling me I cannot watch cartoons.  Go to bed. Do my homework.  You are bossy!
Me:       Owen, give me your hand so we can cross the street.
Owen:   See you are bossing me again!  You are ruining my day!